Monte Ritondu

 Monte Ritondu 2622m

The second highest top in Corsica, it is accessed from various sides. This is the northern view from Bergeries de Cappellaccia. Snow will stay well into summer above 2000 m. Special equipment is not required on marked tracks.
The 1600 m ascent from the valley is quite strenuous, one of the highlights is the pretty Lavu di l'Oriente. The picture below was taken in mid-autumn.

Monte Rotundo from Plateau d'Alzu

Lavu di l'Oriente (de l'Argente)
Levu di l'Oriente (de l'Argente)
Spectacular but not very inviting for a swim.
Zoom picture  Lavu Bellebone et Monte Ritondu

A few hundred meters below the summit of Monte Ritondu is the charming Lavu Bellebone, encased in a dramatic cirque. This was in early June.

This is the closest to the water patch of grass.
Monte Ritondu

The same lake in early autumn has a very different atmosphere and light.

Monte d'Oru from refuge Pietra Piana
Refuge de Pietra Piana

Down from Monte Ritondu this hut is a comfortable overnight stop. It is on the GR20, that goes further towards Monte d'Oru, in the background.

Lavu di CapitelluLavu di Capitellu

A way to return to the valley is to follow the GR20 for a couple of hours up to a dent in the jagged crest. Below are Capitellu and Melu lakes on the way out to the popular Restonica valley, snack-bar and car park.

Corsica - Parc Naturel Régional


Précédente Suivante

1 - Bocca di Avartoli 2 - Bocca di a Muvrella 3 - Bocca Minuta 4 - Bocca Foghieghiallu 5 - Vallée du Golu 6 - Lavu de Ninu 7 - Col de la Haute Route 8 - Punta di Pinzi Corbini 9 - Punta Muratellu 10 - Bocca Palmente 11 - Monte Rinosu 12 - Punta di a Cappelle 13 - Monte Alcudina 14 - Aiguilles de Bavedda Brèche de Goria Lavu Maio Monte Cintu Monte Ritondu Monte d'Oru Monte Rinosu Tips

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