
Maps and guides
Audoubert guides along with1:50 000  Cartes de Randonnées IGN.
1:25 000 maps available from Institut Géographique National as well.

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Huts (Refuges, Refuge)
Most of them are staffed, it costs around 12 euro for a bunk and about the same for a copious set meal. A dining area is generally available for self sufficient trekkers. In the less popular areas, cabanes are free of charge, they generally consist in a sleeping platform and an open fire.
The Pyrénées, with all its lakes is a very pleasant place to bivouac or just sleep out.

France Météo
Voyage en Terre d'Oc, le catharisme
Liste des topos guides Fédération française de Randonnée pédestre
Crossing the Pyrénées


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